Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Can't beat them....join them

I found out yesterday that today, October 1st, is official b*tch day. I really don't have much to complain about. I am married to a wonderful man, I have 3 great boys, we are all healthy, I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home and we have great friends and family. What on earth could I have to b*tch about. So I dug deep (ok not that deep) and I determined that I really could come up with some topics. I hope that you all can reach in and celebrate this day with me.

First the state of the economy is frightening. The news is doom and gloom to me these days. Each morning I turn the news on only to find another company has gone under or will be bought by someone else. I hope that the people that be in our Government will get back together discuss the bailout bill and have it pass in some form or another.

Second has to do with the presidential candidates. I find politics painful, meaning I'd rather get a full body wax then have to talk politics. Honestly, I don't like my options and I wish we could go back and have a redo with other candidates. I know that won't happen and I will be voting with my party. I can stomach John McCain but I often wonder what he thought when choosing his VeeP.

On another note, Ms. Snooty down the street is on a never ending quest to find a reason to pull her child out of the public school system. I wrote about her here. She is all of the sudden interested in volunteering in the class because she needs to make her decision. She has decided she doesn't like the teacher but can't base the decision on any concrete factors. She has mentioned that her son likes the class and has adjusted well. Why fix something that ain't broke. She got upset because her son said they spent time tracing the letter I. I would bet that most of the kids on the class probably need help on their handwriting. I have not seen the teacher in action yet. I will volunteer later this month. I don't think she is a warm and fuzzy type, but as long as my kid is learning....does it matter? In reality, he doesn't spend much time with this teacher. He goes to a different class for math and then they have a lot of specials with different teachers. So I would really like to tell her to get over it.

I would love for one of my boys to be able to hold his bladder for the entire night. I am REALLY tired of washing his sheets every day. We are on a roll as this is the 3rd day in a row that he has stripped his bed in the morning. (And yes he is wearing a pullup at night.) I feel better.

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