Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School and more

I realized this morning at breakfast when the boys were arguing, that school is a good thing to keep them focused. I do have to admit I (and the baby too) missed them yesterday. It was our real first day back on a routine. The baby and I went to my fitness gym yesterday morning as we did most morning during the summer. I looked in the rear view mirror and he just seemed a little lonely in the back. When he threw his tantrum because I wouldn't let him have any more of my smoothie there was no one else there to get his attention. No doubt before long we will all be back in the groove.

The bus stop is interesting this year. There are so many new faces from the neighborhood. We lost lots of kids this year to middle school but the kindergartners are making up the difference and then some. This one lady I have met, I will call her Ms. Snooty (I think she is nice but everything I hear from others makes her seem snooty. I will wait to pass judgement on what I think as she has always been pleasant to me). Ms. Snooty has had her now 1st grader in private school for the last 3 or so years. Her choice would have been to keep him in the private school but for whatever reason he is now in the public school (lucky us he is in EE's class) with the majority of the other kids in the neighborhood. She is having such a hard time coping. I really thought she was going to cry on the first day of school. Now I have always been a fan of private schools. I went to one for K-12. However, we moved to this county specifically because the school system here is one of the best. I would like to explain this to her and tell her to get over it. My boys learned so much in Kindergarten, I can't imagine what 1st grade will be like. When I was young I had 1/2 day kindergarten and I am sure I was not learning what they are learning these days. Times have certainly changed.

The baby had his 18 month check up today. It is good to be assured that he is growing and his behavior is normal for a child his age. Tantrums are starting already. He was hamming it up for the Doc. And no tear was shed for his one shot. The nurse was great and let me hold him while she poked him and was done in an instant. He was so enthralled by the band aid she put on.

As far as the Doc, I do like her(although very hard to compare her to my Doc from NC). The Doc is very soft spoken but she is good with the baby. She always answers all my questions even when I ask about the other boys. I am hoping we won't see too much of her this winter. The baby got sick a lot last winter and was on a nebulizer all winter and into spring.

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