Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why is it?

Why is it that even though you have a magazine subscription through the year 2010 they still want you to renew for another 3 years? Not only will they renew your magazine but they will also send one to a friend. Please contact me when it gets closer to the expiration day and I will let you know if I would like to renew.

Why is it that a cable company system can automatically delete the primary email account for a host of people and not make a correction instantaneously? Happened to me last night. When the system told me that my account was not active I decided to contact the company this morning. I have found that sometimes it is easier to do a chat on-line vs. calling and talking to someone directly. The rep. fixed my account and when I asked how and why I was told that some email accounts were deleted. This is a big cable company mind you. I am sure that there were some who were not very happy.

Why is it that the baby thinks he doesn't need a nap today? He is up in his room making a ruckus. Now he is calling my name repeatedly. At least it will be an early to bed night tonight.

I am sure there are many more Why is its in my head.....but this is it for now.

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