Friday, September 5, 2008

What a big jerk

I was told a story last week about a couple who lived across the street from our old house. She was mid thirties and he was late forties. This was his second marriage. From what they said, he was really sick when they met and she stayed with him until he got better. They got married and then moved across the street from me. She ended up being diagnosed with breast cancer. He supported her through her double mastectomy and reconstruction. They both became avid runners and started training for a marathon. That is a summary in a nutshell.

In June, they were having marital problems and he told her that he needed to move out but still wanted to work on it. One day she decided to drive by the hotel he was staying in and low and behold she sees her running partner's car parked in the lot. She called and confronted him and after much denial came clean. Yes, bad enough that he cheated on her with HER running partner. The part I really find horrifying is that he is now running in the old neighborhood with his new cheater girlfriend. Let's just put more salt in the wound. What is he thinking. Us ladies in the neighborhood new something didn't seem right about him, I guess we were correct. She is so nice and deserved much better than him.

No time for mid-life crisis in this home. My husband has told me that his mid-life crisis can involve getting a motorcycle. Sorry babe, not thinking that will happen. You need to start thinking about something else you may want to buy instead.

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