Monday, September 15, 2008

TROUBLE (note all caps)

Here are a few pictures of the baby. I am a little biased but I think he is a cutey.

I stepped out to get the grocery bags out of the car. I walk in to find the
baby at the counter drinking out of a water bottle.

Here he is drinking.

And of course, he puts the cap back on. He did this maybe 6 or 7 times.

And although I think he is a cutey he is also very mischievous. I picked him up from the gym child watch area after my workout today and was told he hit a child on the head (not provoked). So I had to explain that I am working on trying to get him to stop hitting. I told the worker that I put him in time out and I would like for them to do the same. She said they normally wait until the child is 2, but that she would put a note in the file. Great! A note in the file and he is only 18 months. That is going to be one gigantic file.
Ok, so we have some behavioral issues to take care of but he is doing and saying so much. He favorite (and first) phrase is "Is that Mommy?" or "Is that mine?". He says this over and over and over. Today he pointed to a picture of a man in my magazine and said "Is that Daddy?". Speaking of firsts, his first animal sound was that of a donkey. He loves to say "hee haw". No, we don't live on a farm but we have a really cute book with farm animals (from Grandma) and I guess he liked the donkey. He does try to say a lot of what we are saying. He just picked up yuck from me. I admit that I am constantly telling him that what he is putting in his mouth is yuck. He likes to eat chalk, mulch and pretty much anything else in sight.
It is amazing that in the last month or so he started understanding what we are saying. It seems like for so long I would ask him a question and I would get the blank look. Now when I ask him a question he will shake his head yes or no. It is very cute when I tell him we are going outside, he will go find his shoes.
His most favorite things to do: go up and down the stairs on his own, turn light switches on and off, climb on things (up to the table, into his high chair) and when we are outside throw balls into the street.
I have to say he is a Mommy's boy. He does not like to be out of sight from Mom. If I leave the room he starts to cry and then will try to find me. He will say "mommy" and repeat it a few hundred times. So I have started saying his name back to him when he says mine. It is a cute little game.

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