Friday, September 12, 2008

I am no Martha Stewart

Mascarpone cheesecake with an almond crust

I do love to bake, but the recipes need to be simple. I made this cheesecake (crust and all) yesterday. It doesn't take long to make and it is absolutely delicious. If you decide you want to give it a try the recipe is here. It is a Giada recipe. I really love watching her show. She seems to make really good dishes that are fairly easy to make. Her show used to come on Sunday mornings at 7:00 and all of us would pile on the bed to watch her show. I really need to find out when her show is on so that I can DVR it.

I feel very domestic all of the sudden. I have been stuck at home since last week because of sick children. I really can't wait to get back to my routine of getting to the gym and running all my errands during the week. I do have to say, I have gotten so much done with this time. I have continued my quest to clean out drawers and toys and whatever else I happen to stumble across. I also got my 500 pictures ordered and they should be here next week. My first project with the pictures will be to get the baby's first year album done. I am doing separate albums for all my boys. They will each have several albums that will be there to take with them (at the right age). For the most part all their albums will be the same.

We are going to a friends house for dinner tonight. I will call her Babs. She is such an incredibly sweet person (a little over the top sometimes). She was one of the first people to befriend me when we moved in. She has a son that was in the same class as Jay last year. She does understand that it is a little harder to be out with the baby and always makes accommodations when we get together. She has an older daughter that will help watch the baby while we are there. We look forward to a nice evening.

An EE update. He is doing much better today. No fever, however, he is really congested. We heard him cry out in his sleep a few times last night.

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