Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another day at home

The baby is all clear. We will only keep him on medication for the next week and then he will come off. I guess she didn't read his chart regarding the other nurse practitioners telling me to keep him on Pulmicort (steroid) for the remainder of the season. I really would just like to be able to see my Doc all the time. It is hard to get in with her on same day sick visits. But the positive side is that you rarely have to wait too long before the Doc/NP is in the room with you.

EE was running another fever today. I took him to the Doc since this is the 4th day. They did a strep test on him, which I don't know why. He has had strep before and I remember his throat hurt so bad and he had no appetite. The Doc had to get his mouth open with a tongue depressor. He ended up losing WII privileges for the rest of the week. How incredibly silly.

On the way home Jay ended up giving me attitude in the car. I so wanted to jump in the back of the car and get into his face. He has a lot of attitude that will not get him very far in this household. He has lost his WII privilege also.

So EE will stay home yet another day. I am hoping that he has no fever tomorrow and will be at school on Friday. He needs to get out of the house and I need my quiet time during the day.

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