Monday, September 8, 2008

Glad to have gotten through the day

EE was home sick again today. He was fine today but he was running a fever last night and I felt like it would not be right to send him to school today. He spiked a temp this evening but I think it was just a normal fluctuation in body temp. I have not been getting him to drink enough fluids. He had a bath and he was in bed very early. He really needs a good nights sleep. I hope he gets that tonight and will be ready to go to school in the morning. School pictures are being taken tomorrow. You got to love this, I have an order form that must be sent in tomorrow. Yes, I have to buy pictures that I have not seen. Is that not crazy.

I got notes home from school the other day that both Jay and EE will be going to different classrooms for Math. We think that Josh will be going into a more advanced class and that EE will be going into a class where they offer a little more assistance. Math is not EE's thing. He loves to read, so we hope his strong point will be English.

The baby was a big cranky mess today. He is continually hitting me and his brothers, his punishment is to sit in his time out chair (I am out of site). He was throwing my groceries out of the cart at the grocery store and then trying to hit my hands. To top it all off he decided he did not need a nap today. He spent 1 hour and 15 minutes in his bed playing. Needless to say, he was in bed tonight at 7pm.

I am hoping that tomorrow will be a back to normal day. I have to take the baby to the Doc for a check up on his wheezing. We then will be going to his My Gym class. I will try to remember my camera.

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