Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Saturday washout/One a fever, two a fever, three a fever

Tropical storm Hanna made her way through here on Saturday and brought us some much needed rain. I decided to tackle a few more projects that I had not been able to complete on my projects weekend. I also started working on organizing my pictures for printing so that I can work on photo albums. The boys had a lazy day watching movies and playing WII.

The rain brought us another house headache. The bedroom in the master bedroom has leaked from time to time when it rains. When the rain comes in at a certain angle it somehow gets into the framing and wets the drywall and then trickles down to the carpet. My husband caught the leaking early enough and decided to cut the drywall around the window off. Our window looks fabulous with pieces of drywall missing. Although he couldn't exactly tell where the leak was coming from we do know for certain that it is NOT coming from the roof. Our contractor neighbor feels like we should have the window taken out and resealed and then have all the drywall replaced. We are going to first make some calls to the builder.

It was a lazy weekend. Jay ended up coming home from school on Thursday with a fever. He was out on Friday and still was running a fever yesterday. Today he woke up and was fine. Today it is EE's turn as he was running a fever. The baby is doing fine. He is still wheezing but his congestion is clearing up. I am hoping that with EE it will just be a quick fever and be done, not a prolonged 3 day ordeal.

The boys had their first baseball game today. They have moved up to the machine pitch league. They both had one hit off the machine, I think they were at bat 3 or 4 times. It is now a little more like baseball. They play 6 innings and outs are called (3 outs and you switch). EE ended up sitting out because he was not feeling well. He kept telling us he was hot and we were getting really mad at him. I felt him and he did not feel hot to me. When we got home the thermometer read 103 degrees. Next time I will listen to him when he says he is not feeling well.

This year the boys are required to wear a cup for baseball. We started getting ready for the game while the husband was out. I put the cup into the special underwear. As soon as they put the underwear on they both started complaining. I guess it helps if you put the cup in the underwear the correct way, I put it in upside down. My disclaimer is that I don't have a penis so how am I supposed to know how it all works.

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