Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to school night

The boys have been in school for 3 weeks now. So far all is going well. Back to school was held on Monday night. There was a presentations made by the administration and then you had an opportunity to go into your child(ren)'s classroom to talk to the teacher and look around.

This year the school has a new principal. This itself is not a bad thing in my opinion. The old principal had a pretty big social network at school. She lives in this district and was neighbors to many whose kids go to our school. We moved here in November of last year, so I only experienced part of the year under her leadership. She seemed to do a good job but probably had too many friends around. The new principal is certainly not looking at making friends and it is very apparent. She is not a warm and friendly person. Our school has a very active PTA and many Moms like to volunteer their time in the classroom. The new principal has made it almost uncomfortable if you step foot in the school. Now I do feel like she is having the staff enforce visitor rules for the safety of our children (and who wouldn't want that). Most of my neighbors have been at the school for many years now. It is a newer school and has had the same principal since it opened. I hear my friends talk about how different it seems around there. I really want the teachers to be happy, if not it will probably affect our children in some way. I will wait until I form my opinion on the new principal.

I spoke a bit with Jay's teacher. This is her second year teaching but she seems very organized and put together. I understand last year she had a few hyperactive boys that she could not handle (it was her first year) who were subsequently taken out of her room. She raved about how Jay was doing in class. He is very well behaved and when he finishes his work he gets a book to read while he waits for others to finish. She also said how glad she was that EE was back at school. I thought it was nice of her to mention that.

I didn't get a chance to actually speak to EE's teacher about him. Both boys wrote a note to us in their journal and we left them one back. EE left us a paper with his number one goal for first grade. You ready for this one? His goal is to not talk in line. He is not much of a talker so I am sure this one will come easy for him. The class also answered questions and you had to guess which child was yours. The questions were: how many brothers, sisters, I like to play (EE wrote yes) and I love my (EE wrote my Mom). I picked his out right away.

I am a room parent for both teachers. One of my responsibilities is to handle the volunteer calendar for both teachers. I am looking forward to getting a little more involved in the classroom. I always like to experience the class dynamics. It should be a fun year!

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