Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2 head traumas in a matter of 4 days

I knew the title would get your attention. But first the funniest thing happened this weekend. We were at our neighbors on Sunday evening. There were 3 other families there with us. The kids were swimming and the adults were indulging in a drink and a little conversation. All of the sudden my husband gets up from his chair walks by me and says I think a bird just pooped on my head. While he is talking he is lowering his head, my husband is a lot taller than I am. And sure enough he had bird poop on his head. When he comes back all of us could not help but laugh. Just in case you were wondering, he said if felt like someone cracked an egg on his head. It hit his head and then oozed down.

I know you are wanting to know what head traumas and who. Friday, Jay was in our bathroom getting ready for a shower. The boys have to alternate who is in the bath and who is in the shower every night. I am in the bathroom with him. I opened a drawer and left it open as I was going to put something back. He reached down to grab a ball and stood back (actually jerked up as hard as he could) up under the drawer. He screamed bloody murder. I took a look at his head and the blood started gushing out. At this point I am thinking that this may be an ER run. I stuck him in the shower to get the blood off of the wound. It was actually a very small cut and not deep. No one ever wants to go to the ER but I think Friday would be a really bad night to visit.

Last night, the baby was playing on the metal bleachers at baseball practice. He somehow fell on the bleachers and hit is mouth. I picked him up and blood started accumulating in his mouth. A lot of blood. I only had wipes and I was sticking them in his mouth to soak up the blood. He cried a good bit. I took him home and was able to get a good look at his mouth. He cut his gum on top of his two front teeth. He also cut his Frenulum. I took him to the Dentist this morning because it didn't look much better than last night. She concurred that his split his Frenulum and did damage to his gums. But the mouth heals quickly. She also suspects the trauma may affect his two front teeth, which may turn black at some point. Luckily, these are baby teeth so no harm done. The baby was so good today and let the dentist look inside his mouth without so much as a fuss.

I know that our days rushing a child to the ER are just beginning. We have kids who are active and play sports. I tend to be a little more lax about injuries than my husband. He tends to think everything needs to be looked at by an MD. I know he will shake his head when he reads this. But it is the truth. He tends to get a little more anxious whenever we have a bad injury. It is good that I am able to offset him a little.

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