Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This and that

The boys continue to read most mornings(including Baby T)after breakfast. I really want to get my camera out every time Baby T gets up on the couch with a book just like his brothers. E finished yet another Junie B. Jones book and J has decided to join him in reading. The boys continue to bicker so I have come up with another punishment. Sentence writing is becoming a common practice in our house. They look something like this, "I will get along with my brother" or "I will not push my brother". I am sure we will have lots of other sentences before we are through.

Green Lady stopped by yesterday. She wanted me to enroll the boys in Vacation Bible School at her church this week from 6-8pm. Nice invite, but the boys will do VBS (the same lessons) next week from 9-12 am, more along the times I need them to keep busy. Now Green lady is trying to get me to go to her church. She goes to a Baptist Church (we are Methodist). The church does not have Sunday school for the kids from age 6 and up. I am certain that I want my kids in Sunday school to learn on their level. I was told I could bring things for them to do in service, like books or coloring stuff. What would be the point? This is the 2nd time she has asked me to go to a church event. I have thanked her but nicely declined all offers. She doesn't take no for an answer easily so I am sure she will be back.


We have a border in our house for at least the next 5 weeks. My niece graduated from a college up here, or so at least we thought. She ended up being 2 credits away from earning her degree due to a mix-up with her transcripts. She will be staying with us while she completes one course and works on her resume and interview skills at the Career Center.


The boys have some friends coming over to swim today. I am finding that it is necessary to keep them a little more busy in the afternoon.

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