Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's mine

I feel like a 3 year old when I say this is my space....all mine. My husband (I really need a good nick name for him) has suggested that I not write about neighbors or put anything offensive in my blogs. Well then why blog? My neighbors do not know that I blog nor would I let them in on my little secret. I can't imagine that anyone would think I would have the time to keep up with a blog.

So for today, I get to discuss one of my neighbors. I will call her green lady. You guessed it, as green as you can get. I have no problem being green, as I mentioned we will take steps to become more green in this family. She has very strong opinions(which are always correct) and lets them be known. She is encouraging me to grow a garden. That is right, she has a very large garden and grows lots of vegetables in her yard. On my to do list is to order a garden box (a suggestion from green lady) so that we can grow a few of our favorite vegetables. A garden box is an easy way to grow vegetables on your deck in one space.

One day she was discussing how she would love to have a clothes line to hang her laundry. We live in a community where the HOA would not approve an outdoor clothes line. As she was talking about how she loved the smell of the clothes, I remembered how I could not stand the smell of our clothes when I was young. We did not have a dryer so my mother had to hang all of our clothes. That would be for 5 children and 2 adults. How in the world did she ever get all that done? Honestly, I can barely get my laundry moved from the washer to the dryer and forget about folding and putting away. It was a big day in our family when my Dad purchased the dryer.

Back to the green lady. She is a nice lady but sometimes hard to stomach all of her views. In reality, I probably half agree with a lot of what she says but I have some flexibility within my life. I don't think things have to be black or white. So I will continue to talk with green lady....maybe she will give me more material to blog about.

I will have a kid update tomorrow. I am hoping to get Baby T's reaction on camera to being on a swing. Have you ever met a kid who doesn't like to swing? You will very soon.

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