Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Out, damned moths, out I say

In the 8 months that we have lived in our house, we have been battling moths for about 7 of them. They are Indian Mill Moths which can be brought into your home from any type of grain product. We have cleaned out our pantry 5 times vacuumed all the shelves and thrown away anything suspicious. I keep all of my grain products (sugar, flour, pancake mix etc) inside a Ziploc baggie. There have been several times that we thought we had actually gotten rid of them. Then a few days after, we would see one flying around. We started getting our house exterminated in May and they promised to rid us of our problem. We have had no luck. We have killed too many to count and there were maybe 40 in our moth catcher located in our pantry. The bug guy came yesterday and looked puzzled by our little predicament. He asked that I take everything out of the pantry. He is coming back today to put spray some heavy duty chemical. He said this will kill any larvae or live moths instantly. Hm......maybe I should leave my food out for another day. I will let you know how it works out.


In other news, it seems like Baby T. is having sleep issues. It began on our trip this past weekend and has continued the last two nights. On occasion he will wake up in the night and I am able to comfort him. The scenario goes something like this, he wakes up screaming, I get him bring him into bed with me (if you know me, this goes against my belief) for a short period of time, take him back to his bed, he may cry a little but eventually falls back to sleep. The last few nights it has taken him over an hour to settle down completely. He has periods where he has settled down and then he will begin to cry again loudly. I need to break out my sleep book to see if maybe I can find out what is going on with him.


E and J have been in Vacation Bible School this week. They are having a very good time. I usually show up a little early to pick them up. They spend the last 15 minutes singing songs that have hand motions. E does the hand motions(at least tries to) but J just stands there.

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