Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things that make me wonder....

Jay had a play date this past weekend. It is a friend from class that lives down the street. They seems to get along really nice which works out great. Jay feels like he needs to have his own friends where as EE could care less. When my husband went to go pick him up at the time agreed upon the Mom was gone and the Dad was there. The Dad told my husband that the kids were at the neighbor's house. And then I think my husband had to walk over there to get him. Honestly, when I send my child to a friend's house I expect them to play there and to be watched. I don't know the neighbor. It has really bothered me all week and now I have to figure out a way to ensure the next play date will go the way I want it to.

I found out that on Sunday at my surprise Lady's brunch, one of the Moms called the hostess to see if it was ok if she brought her 2 year old with her. Her husband was taking their other kids to a movie and she would not be able to stay long if she couldn't. I can't understand if all the other Moms are leaving their children behind why she thinks it would be ok to have her child there.

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