Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Do you bathe everyday?

I know what an usual tittle for a post. It seems as though everybody has something that is important to them. It could be having a REALLY clean house all the time (as my neighbors do) or it may be catering to your child no matter how badly they behave (another neighbor) or letting your children watch unlimited TV. You know we all have things we do that other people don't do and vice versa.

I think you all know how I feel about TV watching and if you know me at all you know that my house is not REALLY clean all the time (lucky if it can be once in a while) and I tend not to cater to my children. So what is my thing? Baths, everyday, for everyone in the house. Yes, that seems to be the thing I do that others do not. I feel that my kids are around gross germy kids all day long. It makes sense to me that they come home from school and scrub down before rolling into bed for a good night's sleep. One of our friends has a 6th grader (who is close to puberty I am sure) that doesn't bathe everyday. One of the reasons I have heard is that a child may have dry skin....oh yeah well 2 of my 3 have dry skin. Have you heard of lotion?

So I wonder when you actually make the change and have your child/young adult bathe everyday? I bathe everyday and even as I child I was made to bathe everyday. This is one thing I don't bulge on even if it is late at night and the kids haven't done much during the day. Happy Bathing!

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