Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Last time I will talk about Preschools

I spoke with one of my good friends from NC yesterday. Just a little part of me started to really miss NC again. Don't get me wrong, everything is going well for us here in Md. We are so fortunate to live in a really good area of town, close to my husband's job and to be in one of the best school districts. My friend had an older child (around the same age as EE and Jay) and we were pregnant at the same time. It was so awesome to have someone in a similar situation.

Among so many other things, we talked about preschools, which is almost becoming a bad word in my house. She is getting her daughter into her church program which is 2 days a week for 4 hours and the cost is about half of what I would pay up here to get my little guy in a 2 day a week program for 2 1/2 hours. In my opinion it is just crazy.

I have made up my mind. I will register him for one place and only one place. Well, it is not like I have tons of options up here. The 2 year old programs are hard to come by. They all typically enroll church members and alumni families first and then hold a lottery for any additional spots open. I have a friend who called one of the co-ops and they told her that they would probably not have any room left in the 2 year old room. I have also heard that the church we have been attending will not have a preschool program next year (they will wait to build a wing at the new church and then restart the program.) Anyway, I have sent a registration form in to an Episcopal church that I have heard really good things about. If he gets in, great. If not, he will be home with me for another year. I will then have to find different things for him to do so that he can socialize a little more with different kids and maybe also have a sitter come at least one day a week.

Why does this bother me so much? I feel like he is not getting the same opportunities as his brothers did. They went to our church preschool from 2 years on and they absolutely loved it. The school has wonderful teachers and they had so much fun.

I had a friend in NC who was so frustrated with the preschool programs that she opened her own. She was Jewish and had a little problem with her children learning Religion from any of the preschools. I so wish I had the business sense, an education degree and the money to open my very own place. There is such a need up here.

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