Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter Wonderland

The boys have not been to school all week. Monday was a teacher work day and Tuesday and today are snow days. We had snow on and off on Tuesday. I had the boys play outside but the snow was very dry and we were not able to make snow balls. It actually felt really nice out. Here are a few pictures.

The baby was upset because I stopped his ride to take a picture.
Jay shoveled some snow off the sidewalk.
EE thinking it might be a good idea to ride his scooter.
This morning we woke up to a sheet of ice over our entire area. My husband was able to make it to work but slid down our driveway and drove carefully on our neighborhood streets. I shoveled the ice off the driveway and sidewalk. I am hoping that my husband will be able to get his car up the driveway when he gets home tonight. It is still misting a bit outside and we may have more flurries before the night is done.
There is a possibility of more snow next week. I think I need to plan a little better and have some crafts for the boys to work on while they are home. We have had Nintendo DS overload.

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