Monday, February 2, 2009

Anything bothering you?

It is hard to believe we have had two really nice days, temperatures in the upper 50's, and now we are expecting snow to start tonight. The baby and I took a little walk earlier today, gosh it is so nice out. I long for temperatures to start warming, but if you buy the hole groundhog thing we are looking at 6 more weeks of winter.

Are there ever things that bother you? Certainly I am not alone. I don't understand a lot and would love explanation to some important topics and some not so important topics. For example:

  • Why is it when you watch a tv show, right before the commercial starts it shows you what is "coming up" on the show. Doesn't that ruin actually watching the rest of the show? Why spend the time to tell me what is coming up? Can you not go to the commercial and then just come back to the show? This is why I love my DVR. I can watch a 2 hour show in about 1 1/2 hours. What a waste of time.

  • I receive a host of magazines each month. I am not always good at keeping up with them, but they do get read eventually. In each magazine, there are about 5 or so loose post card to become a subscriber (or gift to someone else) of the magazine and there are another 3 or so attached in the magazine. I already subscribe to the magazine, so why? What usually ends up happening as I am on the StairMaster and turning the pages of my magazine they go falling onto the ground.

  • Does anyone think it is weird that people have those phone ear pieces(I am not even sure what they are called) and they wear them like an accessory? Sometimes I have to look twice because I will see someone who I think is talking to themselves. Upon a closer look the person is actually have a phone conversation. Interesting or not, last week in my kickboxing class there was a lady who was wearing her phone earpiece while she was working out. The instructor seemed a little taken back and asked her if she was on the phone.

  • This California Mom who gave birth to octuplets is a disturbing situation. She is not married and lives with her parents. She is only 33 years old. The Grandma keeps stating that the pregnancy was the result of IVF. I truly have a hard time buying that a "sane" reproductive specialist would transfer 8 embryos at one time. I know for a fact that all of the reproductive facilities keep track of all of their pregnancies and they try to keep their higher order pregnancies to a very low minimum.

I am sure there are a host of other things that I could rant about but I will just give you these to ponder about for now.

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