Thursday, January 21, 2010

Preschool once again

I can't believe that it is already time to think about registering for preschool again. I did a lot of researching last year but 2 year old programs are hard to find in the area. Most programs begin with 3 year olds but only run for 2 1/2 hours. I would like to have a 3 day program that last at least 3 hours.

I love Tee's current preschool. The teachers are great and the families are nice. He has a great time there. The preschool is a little out of my way. Most of the place I go are in the opposite direction of his preschool. His preschool starts at 9:30 (a little late for me) and goes for 2 1/2 hours (not long enough). So as much as I like the program I feel like I need to find something else that meets my needs a little more.

On Monday, I visited an open house for the Catholic school that is literally right behind our neighborhood. The program goes from 9-1 and runs like most preschools with the exception of Spanish lessons. Of course, the kids wear uniforms. There is never a need to get out of your car for drop off or pick up as they assist in both. As you could probably guess this program is a bit pricey.

There is a waiting list of 1 person right now. After discussing with my husband, we thought that it would not hurt to turn in the application with the fee. Contracts are mailed out in March. Once they determine that someone will not attend, they will start calling on the waiting list names. The application threw me for a loop with the questions, some were check the box and others were written. I felt like I was getting Tee ready for college. The first question was to describe what your child is into. The second was what you hope that you child would get out of the school's program. Definitely a little hard to answer. The last question was basically skills or talents in which could be used by the school.

I have another option to consider as well. The church we have been attending will start up their preschool once again. Last year when they moved to their new location they did not have enough money to continue with the education wing of the church. The wing is now almost complete and preschool will be in session beginning with the next school year. The program will run from 9:15 until 11:45 with an option of lunch bunch until 12:45. The tuition is more affordable and still close enough to the house. This is definitely my first choice. I do worry about the possibility of there not being enough of an interest and this falling through. Can this happen? I don't know but I would like to have something to fall back on just in case.

I am sure he will be happy wherever he attends next school year. My hope is to keep him at the same school for the next 2 preschool years. EE and Jay has such a wonderful preschool experience and I am sure Tee will as well.

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