Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The long weekend recap

  1. The boys have been playing basketball for the past few weekends. This year has been a little different than last year. Last year they were the tallest on just about all of the teams and they didn't play real games. This year there are many kids who are much taller and more aggressive than mine. In fact, I think there are a few kids who are too aggressive and maybe just a bit too rough on the court. I get the sense that EE is having a difficult time. I think he feels a bit intimidated when he gets the ball and is immediately surrounded by several kids. Jay has scored in a few of the games and seems to do a little better under pressure.
  2. The boys practiced baseball this past weekend also. There are still a few spots left on the team so another tryout was held this past weekend. I am thinking about getting them into a clinic for either pitching or hitting. I believe we will begin playing sometime in March. Yikes, I am sure it will still be chilly out.
  3. Jay had his party this past weekend, the one where he was not able to spend the night. He spent the day saying he did not want to go but we explained he committed to going. EE ended up regretting he said no to going. My husband picked Jay up at 9pm. He said the parents had people over and looked like they were about to have dinner. He also said there were a few beers out. I found it interesting when I walked Jay up to the house, there was one lady who introduced herself to the parents. I can't imagine not having met the parents but allowing your child to spend the night. Maybe I am a little old fashioned.
  4. On Monday, my neighbor had us over for lunch. She had a few Mom (and kids as school was out)in order to discuss our work on the school auction. I was not up for the mayhem. Wow those kids (not mine or hers) were wild. So glad to have Tee as an excuse to bolt.
  5. The boys each invited a friend over Monday afternoon. As I was standing outside talking to one of the Moms, the boy who always rides his bike down showed up. I told him that each of the boys already had a friend over. Including him would have changed the dynamics too much and I had already had my fill, read number 4. Not two minutes after I walk in the house I get a call from this child's Mom. She wanted to know what the deal was in an almost insinuating tone. I didn't feel like I owed her any explanation. But I did say that each child already had a friend over. She had just wondered because one of the friends over was a friend and close neighbor of hers. Some nerve.
  6. I have lost some weight over the last 5 or so months. My youngest is only almost 3 and I thought it was about time. I was also tired all the time. So I started eating a little healthier, cut out sweets (although I do indulge sometimes) and increased my workout intensity. This is a life style change (ok I watch a little too much tv, Biggest loser). I feel like I now weigh what I should. The nervy Mom in number 5 has mentioned my weight loss several times. She has been working out but has not lost any weight. I run into her at the gym today and she got on the stair stepper right next to me. She turns to me and say how much weight have you lost and I told her. She asked me for the second or third time if I was done losing weight. Yes, I am not looking to lose any more weight but I will continue to do what I need to in order to stay healthy. I am not sure why that is such a hard concept.

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