Sunday, January 10, 2010

Metal is very expensive

I have known for a long time that Jay was going to need some work done in his mouth at some point. The dentist would look at his mouth and tell me that eventually he would need to be evaluated by an Orthodontist. Jay's upper jaw sits on the inside of his lower jaw. Could it have been caused by his thumb sucking as a child, maybe. We will really never know. One thing I did know was that it would be fixed.

He went for an evaluation a few months back. The Ortho suggested that he get an expander placed on the roof of his mouth (luckily one that I don't have to crank) and have 4 braces put on his front teeth to straighten the out. His front teeth reminded me of mine, so incredibly crooked. My first question was, will doing this now prevent him from needing braces? The answer was "not necessarily".

On Friday, I took Jay in for his expander and braces. He was such a trooper.

He choose Midnight Glow as his color. Isn't it cute? I wonder what color he will choose next time he goes in.

Friday afternoon, Jay showed me that one of his brackets (the part glued to his tooth) popped loose. He had to go back Saturday morning to have it fixed.

He has had some pain as expected with so much trauma to his mouth but has done pretty well. We are having to watch what he eats and cut some foods a little smaller than normal.

He will have these on for about 1 year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SOOOOOOOO...cute!!! : )