Monday, March 9, 2009

The weekend teaser

It was a gorgeous weekend here. The boys got LOTS of outdoor play which was much needed after all of the cold days we have experienced lately. The boys were able to ride bikes, scooters, draw with chalk, play a little baseball and basketball all while breathing in some fresh air. On Monday, the weather started getting a bit chillier and today we are back to our winter garb.

It was for the most part a quiet weekend. The husband spent a LARGE part of the weekend getting his reviews completed (I am sure he will argue this point with me). He did join us outside from time to time. He had to complete 5 reviews and still has one left to finish. He has been very busy at work with all of the other "stuff" they want him to do that this has not taken priority.

On Saturday morning about 5:30 am the husband and I hear voices. My first thought was that he forgot to shut off his alarm. Then I realized he wasn't making an effort to turn the alarm off and at about that time he got up out of bed. Our bedroom is on the front side of our house. There were 2 guys arguing right in front of our house. One was sitting down the other was standing and f bombs were coming out of their mouths left and right. Did I mention it was 5:30. in. the. morning? I asked my husband to call the police and report it. For all we knew they were going to start fighting any minute. It took the police about 10 minutes to arrive and the guys were still outside arguing. They had walked down the street a little but we could still hear them. The police talked with them for about 5 plus minutes and then they walked off. I could not see where they walked to but it was a house in this neighborhood. Not the best way to start a morning.

The highlight of the weekend was I sold some stuff on Craigslist. I put about 8 or so items out there to sell. I sold a TV, which my husband was not happy about because I didn't charge enough money. But it is now out of our house. I also sold all of the boys' old Leapster games and one of the recharging systems. I had more emails from people wanting the games than I have for anything else. I think I have 2 more potential items selling but probably not until the weekend.

The silliest thing I heard this weekend was a comparison of me homeschooling to my husband coaching the boys' baseball team. He feels like he can't coach their team because neither boy will listen to him in terms of "how to" in baseball. My husband will help out when needed and is always there for games. When the subject came up he asked me why I didn't home school. That can't be a legitimate comparison. I still help them with their homework when they get home and I also volunteer in their classroom.

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