Monday, March 23, 2009


The boys had their annual Drs. appointment last week. I warned them before we went that the Dr. would need to look at their scrotum and feel their balls. I wanted to make sure they would be comfortable with our female pediatrician. Last year we went to a male Dr. at the same practice and I thought he was a dud. Anyway to witness their reaction to the scrotum test was so funny, it took all I had not to laugh. The Dr. could not feel EE's left testicle so she sent us to get an ultrasound of his scrotum. Fun times in this house.

The radiology place almost turned us away at the ultrasound place because I had Tee with us. But she said as long as he stayed in my lap it would be ok. She gave us instructions before she left the room. EE had to get undressed and then take this blue napkin and wrap his penis in it and move it to the side. The first part of the instructions was ok and then I got to she wants us to do what with you penis....she does realize it is just not that big. So I opted to flap his penis up and put the blue napkin over it. When she got back and started she just had him hold the napkin so he penis would not come flapping out as she was moving the ultrasound wand. She couldn't share any information with me, but from the information I did get from her my take was that everything is ok and where it should be. This is what we thought but it never hurts to be sure.

We have always given the boys the proper names to all their body parts. It is what it is so we call it like that. I don't have a problem with it and neither does my husband. I do want to be open and honest with my boys especially when they start asking the tough questions. I would much rather them hear it from us than get bits and pieces from their friends who probably don't have it all together correct. I think I should start reading books now to help me prepare.

Moving on to the big boy in the house. Sunday we are sitting at the table eating lunch and he looks at me and says he feels lazy and like he should be doing something. I immediately jump in with a slew of things he can do, you know fun stuff like dusting, vacuuming etc. His response is no not those kind of things, outdoor projects to make our house look better. I guess housework is not on the top of his list either. We ended up cleaning up the garage and boy does it look better than ever. We threw away a lot of stuff and organized all of the toys.

We also found that we had a TON of shoes in the garage. Most of the ones the boys have outgrown. The shoes that were in good condition got boxed up for Tee when he gets to the sizes. We had probably 15 pairs from sizes 12 to 1. Tee will have it made. We also had shoes that were in poor condition, about 12 pairs. I have boxed these up and will send them to be recycled. Check out the website. The reuse a shoe program is sponsored by Nike. They use the rubber on the bottom to use in sports and playground equipment surfaces. The website provides drop off areas around the US and also a printout of a label to use to mail your shoes. I will have the box mailed out this week sometime. A great cause!

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