Friday, March 13, 2009

A little artwork

My boys love crafts!. They like to paint, color, work with beads and really create anything. Neither one has ever been much into drawing. Their great grandma on their dad's side was an artist. We are lucky to have a few of her painting hanging in our house. I met her once but unfortunately don't know too much about her. I am thinking since none of her grandchildren inherited her talent that maybe one of her grandchildren will. I don't think it will hit this family but you never know.

In art class, the boys are bringing home some really nice pieces.
Jay drew the picture above. It is a picture of him and one of his friends from NC (one of the triplets that we were neighbors with) catching fire flies. I think he did a really good job.
Yesterday I got this letter in Ee's backpack:
I am so excited to see what his artwork looks like. I can't believe I have to wait until March 27th to go to the exhibit. EE was so excited about this. I am not sure how the artwork is chosen. I guess we will find out more on the 27th.
Every once in a while I get some special work dedicated to just me. EE brought this home for me one day from school. So sweet! He often makes me pictures and says that he loves me on them. Jay will also make me pictures but they typically don't have the "love you" statement on them.

It sure does make a Mom feel good to have her little guys love her so much!

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