Friday, March 6, 2009

Looking forward to the weekend

No, we have nothing special going on this weekend as of yet anyway. But I am looking forward to the 70 degree weather that has been forecasted. Seems pretty silly to some that of all things that is what I am looking forward to. It has been so cold here lately. We tend to get ferocious winds, at least on our street. The winds seems to stay around for two plus days and make it that much colder. So the fact that we are getting warmer weather even if for just a few days is going to be the highlight of the weekend.

The boys will have to put down their Nintendo DS systems and play outside. They really need the fresh air also.
I took Tee to his My Gym class today. He almost got trampled over by the instructor. The instructor was giving a ride to some kids on a sleigh. The instructor was running backwards pulling the sleigh. Tee ended up running right behind him and CRASH. I saw it happening and was right there but couldn't stop it in time. I did put my hands on the instructor so he would step on Tee. Tee fell (fairly hard) straight back on the ground. Poor little guy.
Preschool update: Tee got into a church preschool that I registered him for. It will be 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. I have heard many good things about that preschool. I have looked into 2 other preschools but they are much too expensive for me. I think I am paying a lot for the one he has been accepted to. My hope is that by the time he is ready to go into 3 year old preschool that the church we have been attending will have their program up and running again.

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