Monday, March 16, 2009

Is he trying to tell me something?

Tee has shown a lot of interest in going to the potty recently. About 4 months back we started sitting him on the potty before his bath and eventually figured out what you do in the potty. Now he pees before he goes in the bath every night. This past Friday, he wanted to wear his Thomas underwear so I let him wear them for a while. He then had an accident and I put him back in his diaper. I know that I want to potty train him but I am not sure that I am ready right this minute. I truly believe that I have to be 100% committed for this to work.

On Sunday, Tee kept wanting to sit on his potty which meant I had to take his diaper off and then put it back on. After a few times, I decided to put him in underwear. He did really well with only 2 small accidents(he told us about both). I started him off in his underwear today and he hasn't told me when he needs to potty as I have been sitting him on the potty at certain intervals. He did have 2 accidents at lunch but told me right after he had them.

I feel like he is ready and he knows when he goes pee and now he needs to connect the urge to go pee with him sitting on the potty. I think back to my twins who had a hard time figuring this out.

I don't know what to do. If he is ready then I feel like I need to step up to the plate and take it on. Is he just having fun with it right now and eventually lose interest? The thought of not having to buy another box of diapers is so exciting.

When he wakes up from nap I will once again put him in diapers and try to get my strategy ready for tomorrow. The problem is I am not ready to stay home and focus on this just yet. Our morning are fairly busy especially at the beginning of the week. I may be able to focus better towards the end of the week.

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