Friday, August 29, 2008

Projects, Projects and more Projects

Our landscaping was completed this week in our backyard. It looks amazing, I will post pictures soon. We now just need to wait oh 2 years or so to let the plants mature. We have 2 more major projects for this year, one is to get an irrigation system and the other will be to have the house painted. It really does need a nice fresh coat. We have so many other major projects but they will have to wait.

The theme for this weekend is to complete some projects around the house that have been on our list for a while. This will be the last "free" weekend we will have for a while. Next weekend we have to get back in the groove of having a game on both Saturday (basketball) and Sunday(baseball). A few things on our list will be to either build or buy a sandbox. I am leaving the build or buy up to my husband but I want it now. We will also be cleaning out the storage area. We have so much junk in there that we need to sort through. Some of the stuff may be listed on Craigs List this weekend. I am also going to finally be cleaning out some junk drawers in the kitchen. I am tired of opening the drawers to only have stuff falling out. I won't bore you with all the other projects but we will be busy.

We are hoping to be able to do something fun this weekend with the boys. We will have to see how it all plays out. I am glad we have a 3 day weekend. I think the boys need a little break and then a short school week. They are exhausted by the end of the day and it is very apparent in their behavior. This morning was a rough morning. The first words out of my mouth were to keep their hands to themselves or they would lose a privilege. I am glad to report that everyone made it out the door just fine. They will be happy when they get home as we have a few friends coming over to play. I planned a last minute happy hour to celebrate the first week of school but a lot of people are heading to the beach one last time before summer is officially over.

We are hoping for a little nicer weather this weekend than today (it has sprinkled on and off all day). We are heating the pool to get in a little swimming also. Hope everyone has a great Labor day weekend.

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