Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nobody is home

I have not given much detail to the people in our neighborhood. And believe me these people are not the same that Mr. Rogers encountered on his TV show. Most people are nice, I always try to give the benefit of the doubt. There are specific groups (ok cliques). They are nice to each other in appearance, but the tension doesn't go unnoticed. The bus stop should be interesting this year!

I am finally getting around to posting the story about my nieghbor from the other day. It really isn't that exciting, I hope I didn't get your hopes up for something juicy. It was a little wierd. Here you go.

Our doorbell rang around 1pm on Monday. It was a neighbor from across the street, that in itself is not so bad right? Wrong!

A little back round information on my neighbor. She is from New York, so I will call her NY. I have talked with her maybe 5 times and I know she probably doesn't know my name, but I know hers. It has been witnessed by others that she and her husband yell at each other outside for all to hear(I have only heard one such incidence). And she constantly complains about him, he is cheap, he doesn't tell her anything, he is very laid back etc. She is known to yell at her 4 boys, aged 11, 9 and twins who are 8. A conversation with her no matter how short will always include the words ass and damn especially when my kids are around. Lastly, she also has been known to show her ass to others and also her boobs. Sound lovely?

On the not so funny side, a few weeks ago she had a double mastectomy because of cancerous cells in her milk ducts. All went well with the surgery and she recovered amazinly. I saw her shortly after surgery and asked her if she needed anything, thinking of mainly making them a meal. She said she had more food than she knew what to do with.

Last week, she came out and asked if I would walk with her. Before our walk started, she was baring her chest so that we could see the scars and expanders they put in. Luckily, I am not offended by things like that as I find medical science amazing. She feels better when she gets out a few times a day. Me being the good neighbor, walked with her and listened to her chat non-stop. You guessed it she is one of those people who really likes to talk but not listen so much. Did I mention she is very opinionated? In the course of our conversation, she mentioned her great fertility. I managed to get a few words in and told her she was lucky because it was a struggle for us to get pregnant both times. This did not seem to phaze her at all. Somehow adoption came up and she made a comment that it was not good to adopt because you never know what you are going to get. This seriously came out of her mouth. Ms. NY I have a niece and a nephew who have been adopted and we have no problems. They are loved just like everyone else in the family. I was floored as we were walking and could not wait to step back onto my property and quickly leave her side. This was the longest walk ever.

Ok, down to her visit. She wanted my boys (by the way she didn't even know they were twins) to play with her 9 year old. When I told her my kids are only 6 she then thought about her twins. She is very pushy and said let me take your boys. I sat there for a moment not knowing what to say.....so of course I said well why don't your boys come over here. We would love to have them visit. My boys were just getting ready to play WII. Her twins came over and played for 2 hours. They have speech issues, it has a real name but I can not remember what she said. Basically, their is a breakdown with the brain getting their lips to move. One was not very easy to understand but I managed the best I could. In all honesty, her boys were very well behaved. They kind of did their own thing and then they would play with my boys for a while and then go off and play on their own.

My issues is that I am not sure that I want my kids to go over there. I am not sure what I am going to do if she comes back. I don't think she is a bad person but I don't know her very well other than hearing her opinions on our walk the other day. I better start thinking.

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