Thursday, July 30, 2009

And now the house is clean

One sure way to get the house cleaned is to invite people over for dinner. Not just any people but people that you husband works with. Last week my husband mentioned that he would like to invite some people over from dinner. There are a few people visiting from London and they would likely have one night free. On Monday he said the day was Thursday and there would be 5 or 6 co-workers coming over.

It is normally not a big deal, but we have, actually had, so much junk lying around our house. Not really junk but items that we are no longer using. For example, we took down Tee's crib several months ago and it has been sitting in my living room. I have been trying to find a organization who will accept cribs and the only one I can find is about an hour drive from my house. We also had a high chair and several other items we no longer use. Then the old gas range top was sitting in our sun room. It really was overwhelming. And now everything is in the storage area in the basement. It feels and looks so much better in here now. It will be another day when we clean out the storage area and find a place where we can take all of our donations.

Back to the guest of honor. My sister in law is part English. I wonder if that is correct way to say it. I am sure she will correct me. I told her we were having a guest from London and she quickly informed me on the correct way to entertain an English man. The first thing I was to do was to offer him a cup of tea. I told her that I had a honey green tea in my pantry and asked her if that would work. She told me best not to even mention it and he would think I was just a typical American Host. She also told me to have coffee but I don't normally have coffee because I don't drink it. Her last piece of advice was to just make sure I had plenty of alcohol for him to drink. Luckily I had that taken care of already.

The Londoner was very proper. He came in and kissed me on the cheek and brought over 2 bottles of wine. I didn't waste any time in asking him jut how improper I was. His response was that he does not like tea or coffee and never drinks either one much to his Mother's dismay.

Dinner was very casual and nice. We were able to sit outside and enjoy the weather a bit. It is still a bit humid but there was a bit of a breeze that made it feel nice.

The kiddos went with my niece to chick-fil-* for dinner. They had a blast.

And yes now I have a clean house......but I still have lots of stuff in the storage area.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure he is an English Bloke ? Did you check his passport ? I have NEVER met one who doesn't drink tea. I think he was just being polite :)
Also kissing you was the proper thing to do !! Boy do I miss that living in the USA. But I just had my share of kisses when I visited home recently. Ahlem

Trish said...

If he wasn't English he sure had a great accent. I could tell he was very proper but just didn't like tea, lucky for me.