Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thanks to the Good Humor Man

Just about every night during the summer, the ice cream man rides along our neighborhood. We can hear the music in our house. My kids know better than to ask me if I will buy them an ice cream. My practical side says that I could buy an entire box of ice cream goodies for what is charged for one treat. I don't feel like my kids are missing out on anything and I hope I am teaching them how to watch their dollars.

I mentioned that my husband installed our new dishwasher a few weeks ago. I listed the old dishwasher on Craigs List. I listed for $35 but when my husband thought we should ask for more. I changed the price on it to $50. We did not get one inquiry on the dishwasher so I started looking at other ways to rid ourselves of it. The Habit*at restore will not accept them as is the case with many of the other places I researched.

I really wanted this heap of junk out of my garage. My neighbor mentioned putting it out on the driveway with a sign that says "free". We tried that on Saturday. It was after dinner and we thought we should go ahead and bring it in for the evening since no one took us up on our offer. As we were headed down the driveway who do you suppose drives by? That is right the ice cream man. He slowed down and looked at it. My husband offered it to him and assured him that is was free and in good working condition. He parked his truck and took it away. The funniest part was that he didn't even offer my husband a sweet treat from his truck.

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