Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A whirlwind

It has been non stop ever since we got back from the beach. I haven't had a chance to sit down much less sit, think and type. But tomorrow is the day. I plan to work on the tasks that I need to get done and also update what we have been up to.

A few quick notes:

The boys played in the July 4th tournament and practiced 5 nights prior to the weekend. They lost all of their games, but what an awesome experience.

Our neighbors (Mom and the twin boys who are the same age as my twins) that used to live across the street are visiting from California. They came over Sunday afternoon (yes I had to do a mad dash around the house to clean it up). Then they were over Tuesday afternoon for lunch and swimming. Then on Tuesday night the ladies went out to dinner. We saw them for the last time this afternoon as they are headed to their grandparent's house tomorrow. It as a nice visit but has certainly put me behind in my housework.

The shower is completed. The painters came last Thursday to do some touch ups and now we have a functioning bathroom. It turned out so nice. Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

The boys are in vacation Bible school this week. They have had a good time and they actually know people there which always makes them feel better.

Friday is the day. I am going to start potty training Tee.

I have so many stories to tell that I hope I can remember them all.

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