Monday, April 5, 2010

Who knew it would only take a chart

E tends to have a problem remembering to do his chores. His chores include; making his bed in the morning, making sure his dirty clothes are in the hamper (not the floor), closing his drawers (I can't stand to have drawers open with clothes hanging out) and making sure his light is off. It had been a battle for some time now. I was getting tired of repeating myself everyday.

The best way to change behavior is to make a chart. So that is what I did. I made a chart complete with pictures of his daily chores. The chart also included a place to track his progress. He has done great with only a few days in which he forgot to do something. As with any chart a reward was promised.

E loves to read. He loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. The movie was just released and his reward was that we would take him to see that movie.

Since he has done so well we decided to take him on his movie reward early. My husband and I took the two older boys to see it on Saturday afternoon. Tickets only cost $30, which seems outrageous to me but that is a different post.

I have to say the movie was pretty funny for my husband and me. The boys enjoyed it also.

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