Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Half way

It is hard to believe that a few months ago we had a few feet of snow on the ground. It has been very hot the last few days. No, that is not a complaint coming out of my mouth. After the winter we have had, I have enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I think it will be a little cooler towards the end of the week.
My house is a wreck! The money I spent at the craft store this past weekend has paid off nicely. The boys have worked on many crafts but it has not helped me in getting my house picked up. I get distracted from what I am trying to do to help them on their crafts. And then there is Tee who wants to work on what his brothers on doing.
I have also had the boys working on a reading comprehension and math workbooks during break. They don't complain about having to do some work which is nice. I want them to keep focused during the break. We still have over 2 months of school left.
The boys have been wanting to make pizzas. I kept a recipe from my Southern Living magazine on how to make the dough. So I made the dough this morning. I managed to miss one little step but the dough turned out ok. Then I missed another step about cooking the dough prior to putting the sauce and toppings. Well, I will know for the next time. They really enjoyed making their own pizzas.
E's is on the left, Tee's is in the middle and Jay's on the right
We save a few pieces for Dad to eat later on. We will definitely make pizzas again. They tasted really good.
A friend down the street invited us to her back yard to play on an inflated water slide after lunch. We went down there for a little while. We are now all relaxing to gear up for baseball practice tonight. We have 3 practices this week with our first game on Sunday.
To finish off with a little cuteness. Tee will say "Mom I love you so much". I will say Tee I love you so much too. Then he will say "Mom that is so nice of me" while he shakes his head in agreement. Oh, the things he says are so cute! It makes his tantrums a little more bearable.

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