Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ski Trip

My husband grew up in the very cold mid-west. So he grew up skiing and still enjoys it now. Every year with the exception of a few he has taken a guys trip out west for some good skiing. He would like for our boys to learn how to ski and enjoy it as much as he does.

He planned a trip for us to go to the Poconos for a weekend. The drive was not bad. We arrived at our hotel around 3:30. It seemed a little late to get geared up for tubing. So we unpacked and went to dinner. It was so cold there.

The view from the top of the mountain at our hotel down in the distance.

The boys decided that they wanted to learn how to snowboard instead of ski. They did a class on Saturday for about 6 hours. I watched them for a while because I was a little nervous that 6 hours was too long. My fingers kept getting so cold that I would have to go indoors to warm them up. I was wearing nice warm gloves my husband bought for me. Then my toes were freezing even though I had nice warm ski socks and boots. I thought that they must be freezing out on the snow.

The first thing they had to do was learn how to fall correctly. They learned how to fall on their fronts and backs.
They started out learning how to snowboard on a little hill.
They were taught to snowboard down to their instructor and then fall down.
By the end of class they both had gotten the hang of it and were snowboarding down a hill.
EE loved snowboarding.
It was a very cold day outside on Saturday. But the school had the boys take many breaks and go inside to warm up. It was a long day for them but they did learn a lot. EE said he would not mind taking another class but would just want a half day. I think Jay liked it but he was very tired. I think they need to learn how to ski also.
Tee was so excited about skiing even thought he had no idea what he was getting himself into. After we spent some time getting the boys ready with their equipment and signing them into ski school it was Tee's turn.
My husband got them both geared up and ready to do. He skied with Tee between his legs. He then took him over to the bunny hill. They went up the ski lift and down the hill. Tee absolutely loved it. They rested and warmed for a little while and then Tee was ready to go out again. Several more runs and then it was time to let Dad have some ski time.

Tee was ready to go.
I stayed inside the lodge because I couldn't manage to be outside anymore. Did I mention how cold I was? Then Tee and I went back to a very warm hotel room so he could rest.
We had hoped to get some tubing in but we ran out of time. Next time we need to stay at least one more night. I am very glad that the boys enjoy the sport. As for me, I am not sure if skiing is really for me. Maybe one day I will try it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boys are adorable ! I have one question for you! Were you cold? Ahlem