Monday, February 8, 2010

I will call this Winter Break

Our road is still snow packed with one strip cleared for cars to make it out of here. Although, the people who live at the end of our road are stuck. A snow plow never made its way down to the end of the road. I have heard that the reason our street was plowed is because we have a state trooper who lives in our neighborhood (before you get to the end of the road) that must be able to get out.

We did walk down the road yesterday to let the boys sled down the hill. It was a hard walk up the hill but at least a good work out. We took turns carrying Tee. We made it with a lot of work. The boys had a great time sledding. This was Tee’s first time. I had taken my camera but I didn’t want to have to take my gloves off. Tee loved it.

The boys and I played outside for a little while before lunch. The sun is shining and we needed a little fresh air. We saw the mail person driving down the street. God bless him. He delivered mail to those that he could. He had to get out of his car almost at each house. I also saw him climb on a huge snow drift to reach a mailbox. I was very happy to get my People magazine today.

I received a note from the school system stating that school is cancelled for tomorrow. I could have predicted that. We have another snow storm coming in late Tuesday into Wednesday. This was a short week for us to begin with since we were to have conferences. So Wednesday and Thursday were already supposed to be half days and they have the day off on Friday. It will be interesting to see when they will reschedule conferences.

I think I will start looking into booking our vacation to the beach.

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