Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where did last week go!

This week has flown by and we have been non-stop. So much has gone on this week and I will update as I have time this week with pictures and stories. But here is a quick run down.

My parents arrived in town on Tuesday and will stay through Wednesday of this week. A little embarrassed that my house was a mess when they got here. I usually can tidy up and give the appearance of clean but not this time. They specifically came up for my cousins wedding this past weekend, but also planned some extra time to visit with us. My sister also came in town for the wedding but she only stayed the weekend.

The wedding was held on Friday night and a cocktail party on Saturday night. It was so nice. We saw family that we have not seen in such a long time. I don't have the time to go into details right now but I am sure good stories will follow.

Tee started preschool on Thursday. He was reluctant when I dropped him off, meaning the teacher had to pull him off of my leg. When I picked him up he had a huge smile when talking about what he did that morning.

We have still been working on organizing our petition on the school redistricting. I am trying to be positive but hard for me to deal with the change. The positive is that the school we would be transferred to is a really good school. I heard today that a neighborhood is being moved from the school we are moving to, to another school that does not have a great reputation. They all must be going crazy. Not sure if any good will come out of our pleas but we will at least be able to say we tried.

Fall ball has started. Our first game was today. Our boys did so well. Together they had a great play that got the batter out at first. Jay got the ball when he was playing third and threw it to EE playing first. Got him by a step. Tee did not have such a good report from the field. He almost fell off the play set at the playground.....luckily I caught him. He also almost fell off the bleachers. At that point I determined it was time for us to leave.

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