Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My time

It seems like laundry has been never ending in this household for the last few weeks. Every time I turn around I have another load staring me in the face. The bad part is that I still have stuff sitting on the bench in my bedroom that I have yet to put away.

My parents left today. It was a very nice visit. I am not sure the next time we will see them. My husband's father is coming in town this Friday. They are playing in a golf tournament on Saturday. That would be 36 holes of golf. Boring if you ask me.

Yes, that means I will be doing more laundry and getting beds ready. Maybe this time I will actually get to put some laundry away.

We still haven't finalized our petition for the school redistricting. I am hoping we will have it done tonight. We need to make sure it says what we want it to say. But we also need to get it out there to get signatures. We are thinking about ordering t-shirts but I think we are running out of time.

I am still in the middle of the school PTA membership campaign. We are in the process of recruiting members. Then I will have to get the cards ready to be issued. I am trying to figure out how I can print them on the computer vs. hand writing almost 400 cards.

The husband is out of town until Friday. I like how he goes out of town before his father comes in town. I have procrastinated on cleaning the house so tomorrow I will be working hard to get it all done.

Tomorrow evening will be fun as I am hosting the girls for the season premiere of Grey's anatomy.

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