Friday, September 11, 2009

Just in case you were wondering

It is never a good idea to wash a pull-up in the washing machine. Most would put them in the trash after wearing then for a night. Tee feels like they should go in his laundry basket along with his clothes. Most mornings I pull it out and explain once again that they go in the trash. Not only did I miss it in his basket, I didn't realize I put it in the wash. When I opened the washing machine I saw this gel like substance everywhere. Once I took all the clothes out I realized what it was. No need for you to try it at home. It creates more work and running the same load over.

It is tacky to have business cards of your plastic surgeon and landscape company placed in your home for guest to have. My neighbor down the street got a pool in her backyard, well more like an oasis. There is a covered sitting area with a t.v over a fire place, the pool area complete with hot tub and diving rock and the out door kitchen. The furniture all matches. My description does not give it justice. It is absolutely beautiful. Last week, she invited the ladies in the neighborhood over to hang out. I could not make it as I had the funeral stuff going on. My friend so informed me of the business cards. I had a hard time believing it until she told me the names.

An ice cream sandwich doesn't seem like a good choice for a breakfast item. When we were driving a few weeks ago, we saw a lady eating an ice cream sandwich in her car while driving. I like ice cream....but I could imagine it at 8 in the morning.

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