Thursday, August 6, 2009


My nephew (just graduated college and is now getting ready for law school) spent his summer working at a camp in North Carolina. I think he has had a really good time. A few weeks ago he sent my niece (his sister who is staying with us) a little baggy of play doh and a recipe.

I knew the boys would be intrigued by making play doh so today was the day. Just the thing to do on a rainy day. He listed the ingredients but did not offer any instructions on how to prepare. So I guessed. I boiled the water and poured into the dry ingredients. He also stated to add kool aid to give it color. I let the boys each pick out two colors. My thought was that you add the color to the play doh after you have mixed it. I now think I was supposed to add the kool aid to the boiling water for color. Maybe next time I can get it right.

We ended up putting some food coloring on the play doh for a more vibrant color. And now we all have hands with a few different colors. It was a fun activity that was enjoyed by all.

Tee decided to not nap today. And he has been up to no good this afternoon. He decided to take a black crayon to the wall in the sun room. Not just a little mark, no he colored over a large part of the wall. Needless to say I was less than happy. I guess I better pick up the crayons from the floor and maybe hide them for a while.

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