Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Thursday in April!

I wonder how it can be that my kids have had 6 days off this month for Spring Break and then have today off for a Professional day or something. Just maybe if we didn't have such randoms days off we would be able to get out earlier that June 19th. It has been a very uneventful morning and I assume the afternoon will remain the same. The weather is sunny but a bit chilly. I seems to be either hot or cold here and not much in between.

The boys received their report cards yesterday. I was a little taken back by Jay's marks. It was not terrible by any means but definitely worse than the first 2 quarters. His effort is lacking a bit in a few areas and it appears that he is not listening as attentively as the teacher would like. Jay was very upset about what was on his report card. As a motivator, we have taken away Jay's gaming privilege a significant amount for the next 2 weeks. I will then check back with his teacher for a progress report in which he will either gain his DS time back or lose it for the next 2 weeks. Hmm....I think we should have maybe waited until he was back in school for the punishment to begin. Ee's report was in line with previous quarters. He still does NOT like to participate in class and it is noted in a few of his subjects. It is hard for me to make this an issue when I know I was the same way as a child as was the husband. He comes by it honestly.

Tee is becoming such a little person. He has our schedule planned out most days. When we drive to my gym, he will say "Mommy's gym". Some days we go to the grocery store and he will say "grocery store, cookie". And normally on the way home he will say "go home munch (translates to lunch)". Many days he will ask me "Mommy nap today?" and not he is not asking me if I am going to nap but if he has to take one in which my answer remains the same "yes Tee will nap today". Unfortunately he is learning some unpleasant things like burping which makes the other two laugh hysterically. The two older boys have such a nice relationship with Tee, it is very touching.

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