Thursday, April 2, 2009

Break plus a visitor

Tomorrow at around 12:30pm is the official start to our Spring Break. Yes, that will be 10 straight days because they have Easter Monday off as well. We will stay home but hopefully have a few fun things to do during the week.

My Mother-in-law comes in tomorrow for a 5 day visit. Every time I mention the MIL visiting I get asked the same question, "Oh, is that a good thing?". Lucky for me, I have the best MIL in the world (and I am not just saying that because she reads this). The boys love having her around and so do I. I just wish we didn't live so far away from her and that we could see her more often.

Tee has been saying "ganma" and blowing kisses all week. It is really cute. Jay has a stack of pictures he colored for grandma hanging on the fridge. Jay loves to make pictures for other but rarely are they for me. On the other hand, EE rarely makes pictures for other because they are all for me. Yes, he is a Mama's boy and that is ok by me.

Here is hoping for some nice weather this week.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to start a fight or anything. But I have a pretty awesome mother-in-law too :).

Trish said...

Really? I know your in-laws and I have to question your judgement.

Anonymous said...

Got me there ! Ha! Ha!