Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Bad News Bears

As I mentioned previously, the sports season has begun. In addition to baseball, the boys are enrolled in a 6 week instructional Lacrosse program. We are still trying to figure out which sports they like and are good at.

We have two baseball games a week, Saturdays and Mondays and then practice on Tuesdays. It seems as though the rain has been around so that we haven't had many practices and a game or two has been canceled as well.

Saturday was our second game. It was at 9am and believe it or not really warm outside. The game lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes and each minute was torture for those of us watching. The team played so poorly. I would watch the children stand there and let balls roll past them. A lot of the kids in the outfield would retrieve the ball (after chasing it for a bit) and then hold onto it instead of throwing it in the diamond. The only thing that would pop into my head was a new version of the bad news bears.

Our game was canceled this past Monday due to rain and practice was canceled on Tuesday because the fields were still too wet and there was a chance of Thunderstorms (which did happen). The coach is trying to arrange for a Friday night practice and boy do they all need it. I am hoping for a better game on Saturday or maybe that we play an even worse team.

I will have pictures of the boys in uniform this weekend.

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