Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Egg Hunt

We hosted our first annual Easter egg hunt/cookout party this year. We were unable to attend any egg hunts in the area so I thought I would throw one for the kids. I watched the weather all day Friday and Saturday morning. Rain came in Friday night and lasted until about 3pm on Saturday. I had the same conversation with Jay about 3 times on Saturday regarding the party. He asked if we were still going to have it if it rained and where we would have the egg hunt. My answer was the same each time but I guess he was a little worried.

As soon as the rain stopped, my husband ran around getting everything dried off and getting the cushions on our chairs. In the end it was too chilly so we brought the cookout indoors.

The husband colored eggs with the kids after lunch. If you notice in the picture, Tee is tasting the dye for the eggs. Hmm.....caught it on camera and I don't think he noticed until Tee had a few licks. I guess it wasn't too toxic. The boys were excited because they had a Star Wars themed dye box.

The eggs were hidden in the backyard. We had 3 other families here with children. They had a lot of fun and I think each of them found a few eggs with a dollar bill!

Tee had his friend over and we decided to have their egg hunt in the sun room. It was a little wet and cold outside. Tee actually got the find the egg put it in your basket thing. I was amazed. He only ended up opening one egg but I guess he can't get it all.

This is Tee and his friend.

At the end of the evening we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. They were yummy!

I really love hosting parties. This will probably be on the list for an annual event. It was fairly easy to put together and the kids had a blast.

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