Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Role Models

That is what we heard from both teachers yesterday during the boys' conferences. We were very happy on the feedback from both of our children.

EE still tends to not participate in class but as of recently she feels he is starting to get a little more vocal. I really can't blame him as both the husband and I were reserved as children. He is doing very well in Language Arts and is a little bit ahead of the average in the class. He reads very well but he needs to work on his comprehension skills. He also seems to be learning the math concepts very easily. EE is a very good student. The teacher moved him recently next to a girl who misbehaves and talks way too much. The teacher is finding that EE is getting distracted by her and starting to talk to her when class is in session. The teacher has told EE that he needs to let the girl know that it is quiet time and he does not want to talk to her. The teacher went on to say that he is a great role model for the kids in the class. He is the line leader because the boy who should be first alphabetically can not behave.

The report from Jay's teacher is also very good. She really enjoys having him in her class. He behaves almost all of the time, may have a slip up every once in a while. In Language Arts, he is working at a level that is normally taught in January. He is working quickly through the reading levels. She stressed that he reads well and comprehends what he is reading. He also does well in Math. If he continues at the same pace, he will be considered above grade level. The teacher didn't have anything negative to say about him.

We truly feel blessed to have such well behaved children. I volunteer in the class enough to know that this is not the norm for a lot of children in the class. Although the boys don't love the work at school they do have a love of learning. My hope is that they will continue to be good students who try their hardest.

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