Thursday, November 6, 2008

A little bit of reading

When we came upstairs last night for baths and showers we found the boys, all three of them reading Junie B. Jones' books. EE and Jay love Junie B. Jones and the baby found one with a school bus on it. He loves buses or how he says it "buthses", even if their is just one. He also wanted me to read the book "The stupid smelly bus" to him before bed. He always gets to pick 2 books. They are usually the same ones, Dr. Seuss' ABC, The tooth book, Big Red Barn or Mr. Brown can Moo can you? There may be a few more but I am normally reading the same one over and over, so this was a nice change. Here are a few pictures from when we came up last night.

EE reading.

Jay and the baby!

All three of them reading.

The baby had gotten up on the area around the tub with Dad to read. He moved when I came in with the camera.
The baby has a canine tooth that is finally starting to pop out. This may explain his cranky mood and difficulty napping lately. His new words are uhoh, ary (sorry, because he is having to say this a lot. He also know the sign for sorry because he refused to say it for the longest time), buthses, bath, bat, cookie (this one is very important) and maybe a few more. He wants so badly to keep up with his brothers. He can turn on the CD player on his own and will constantly play the song "if you are happy and you know it". He also changes the ringer on the phone every day. He is certainly learning lots of important skills. I think he should be saying more words than he does but I am sure it will come in time.
Jay learned a new word at school the other day. He told me he knew a cuss word, "a**". He learned if from one of his close friends at school. Great that public school education is paying off for us. In reality, though I know I can't shelter him from bad words and all the other bad stuff in the world. I had a talk with him and we talked about the word and what it meant. I ended with I had better not hear it coming from his mouth. He knows that yukky soap will be involved if it does. I am a little nervous about the Christmas season and what they will hear on the bus. They have so much fun with Santa and I don't want it ruined right now.
EE is a little oblivious to the cuss words and such. He is going to be working on something very important to stay tuned.

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