Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday update

It seems as though in the last week that the baby's vocabulary has tripled. He is saying so many new words and he is even starting to put words together. His favorite word is still "mommy" repeated over and over and over. He has now figured out how to say both of his brother's names and he knows which is which. We talk about how we take them to the bus and they go to school. Even more recently he has started telling me when he goes "poop" in his diaper. This is a huge change from just a few weeks ago when he would answer "no" to a very obvious poopy diaper. So I have decided to get the potty chair out and we will see what happens. I let him sit on it before his bath and any other time we are changing his diaper. My hopes are not up as I really don't intend to train him until the beginning of summer. The baby has been a little sick. I took him to the Dr. today but I believe he just has a sore throat and has started with a little cough. Hopefully the worst is over.

The other boys have a short week next week. Two half day and then off the remainder of the week. We have teacher conferences on Monday which we are looking forward to. We have lots of questions on how the boys are doing.

We had a dusting of snow today.. It was so pretty. It stuck to the ground for just a little while and then melted. The weather this weekend is supposed to be cold. I guess that mean a lot of indoor time.

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