Thursday, November 13, 2008

A little syrup

I should always be mindful when the baby is out of site and it is quiet. I mistakenly left the bottle of syrup out yesterday morning and the baby decided to smear it everywhere (counter top, chair, himself). And although I love syrup on my pancakes it does not make for such a lovely scent on your body.

The other night at dinner Jay bit down on his loose tooth and it started bleeding. When Dad got home he pulled it right out. Jay ended up losing it but we managed to find it on the floor. He was very excited about the tooth fairy coming to visit. He has 3 more loose teeth in his mouth so this may get a bit old after a while.

Tonight we are headed to our neighbor's house for dinner. Her husband is planning a birthday dinner for her and I just found out that she doesn't know anything about it. Luckily, I have not mentioned anything to her. This is the same neighbor that had the big "surprise" celebration a few weeks ago. Guess what I found out.....she ended up figuring out that something was going on that day. It was supposed to be a work functions and when she called someone at his work to find out what they were wearing the person didn't know what she was talking about. Then she called one of her other friends on the day of and her friend's son answered the phone and sounded surprised to be hearing from her. The friend was supposed to be at a function with her son. Then another one of her friends who calls her everyday....hadn't called her for several. Lastly, they walked right by the room at the restaurant and the blinds were open and she saw the bags with "40" on them. Which brings me to my question.....can you really ever be surprised?

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