Thursday, May 14, 2009

My focus is blurred

I have really been having a time staying focused on everything that needs to be done. I am a very organized person and feel like there is so much disorganization around me right now. I work best when I have a nice clean space around me. The biggest problem is my office (it is a disaster). It seems as though when I clean up the house, the office is a default room because I can close the door to hide all of the papers and such that can be dealt with later. Then we have the issue of our bathroom. All of our bathroom stuff is sitting along the wall in our bedroom. Construction will hopefully begin next week and I am thinking at least 4 weeks to have everything completed.

On top of all that I have a crib sitting in my living room. I really want to be able to donate the crib. The shelters around here won't accept the crib due to the issues of the slat needing to be the correct width. I guess they don't want the liability if something were to happen. I did find one pregnancy shelter who would LOVE the donation, but it is an hour drive away. If we have a free weekend we could take it and then head to the outlet stores, but baseball, lacrosse and household chores seems to take up a lot of weekend time. See what I mean about disorganization? There is just so much stuff everywhere and it really is driving me nuts.

I seem to have lost steam in the homework department. For the last few weeks it has been a chore for me to help the boys' with their homework. I have slacked in reading time with them also. I would much rather be outside enjoying the weather than sitting inside. Plus we have 2 days a week where we have to rush through homework to get ready for baseball. I think school work is important but we are down to our last 24 days of school (yes I am counting).

A few weeks ago we had the need to find our signed mortgage papers. We refinanced our loan recently. I looked everywhere and could not find the paperwork. This really bothers me. My husband remembers us receiving them in the mail and I don't. I have a really good memory and can't figure out why I have no recollection of this.

I am still working on some administrative tasks for the school. But they will linger until school end. I will once again be collecting for teacher gifts. The teacher gifts will be given on June 15th so luckily I will have time to get it all done. I am not complaining. I put all of this on myself. I am glad I am able to do this for our wonderful teachers who do so much for the kids.

I have so many items on my to do list that seems to be getting longer and longer each day. I am really looking forward to our vacation after school lets out. It will be a glorious week at one of our favorite beach spots. I hope after a week of fun in the sun maybe I can get focused and organized and then possibly start crossing some projects off my list.

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