Sunday, June 22, 2008

A trip back.....

Now that we have been in Maryland for 7 months we thought it was time to take a trip back to North Carolina. We stayed with our friends that lived across the street from us. They have 3 girls, triplets, 9 months younger than my twins. We have known them since 2004, I think. Our kids have been really good friends. It was nice getting to spend time with them before they move to South Carolina.

We also saw our friend down the street. She has a son that is a little older than E&J and a baby who is 2 months younger than baby T. I met her through triplet mom. We were pregnant at the same time, so we were able to share what we were going through. The babies were so cute together.

It was a little weird staying across the street from where we lived. The house looked much the same but definitely a little quieter over there now. Everything else looked the same as when we left. We were able to see a few other neighbors but missed others as they were out of town. To everyone else who didn't even know we were in town, sorry we were not able to see you. It was a quick trip with a long drive, we couldn't pile the kids in the car the entire time we were there.

I am glad we went back. We probably won't visit again anytime soon. I feel like the trip validates that our life up in Maryland is ok. I do get asked about how we are doing up here. My response is always "it's fine". The truth is that it is fine. We are starting to meet more people and are getting more involved. We do miss certain aspects of NC, but this area has so much to offer this family as a whole. So we will cherish all of our memories from NC and look forward to making so many more in Maryland.

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